Design System

Introducing Voyager: an out-of-this-world Design System

In the Scaling Design System Dribbble course, I was tasked to design not one, not two, but three websites for a space travel company. On top of that - no surprise here - I also had to create a design system to ensure that all three websites had a cohesive look and feel. Challenge accepted! 😎
Cover image featuring sections of the Design System documentation, including colour, icons, and illustration pages.

Project Goals

  • Create 3 websites: a company informational website, a booking website for space travel and a real-time update website to check routes all over space.
  • Develop a design system to simplify the design process and ensure that all products have a cohesive design and look & feel.

My role

As a member of the design system course, my primary role was ensuring consistent designs across all products and creating a scalable design system for future team members.

The adventure begins

Let's set the scene. The project had just started: two weeks time to finish it. Three websites to build. One Design System to set. And only one logo as a reference. I was up for the challenge and excited to get started. Here's how I kicked off the adventure:


First things first, I conducted quick research to understand IPTS's needs and the general structure, content, and visual styles required. This included reviewing websites with similar purposes, such as travel, booking, and rail sites.

Structure & Content

Without any specific briefing or content, my very first step was to map the structure and content for each website. As a team of one, I used Chat GPT to help me with that.

Collect & Connect: starting an inventory

Systems are all about connections. With all wireframes done, I collected and connected common components within the pages, creating the first draft of my Design System.

At this point, I wasn't focused on their exact structure or design but rather on their goal and functionality. This helped me to understand the necessary components and their relationships with one another.

Designing Pilot: testing & building (with) confidence

Next, I created a Pilot design. Design System components should be extracted from real products rather than rely on pure guesstimations. With that in mind, I started sketching the first website, the .org, by testing key elements and styles, such as sizes, colours, and typography. Then, I created purposeful components and styles, focusing on the product without over-designing it.

Abstracting & extracting components

Using the Pilot design as a basis, I designed the other websites by extracting the necessary components and ensuring consistency across all three products.

The turnaround: adapting to rebranding

Imagine the scene: it's a sunny day, birds are chirping, and... IPTS decides to go through a rebranding process. That means a new name, new colours, new typography: everything had to be updated. became, IPTS Travel was now Shuddle Visit and IPTS Rail was now Shuddle Ride.

New brand collage, with examples of imagery, colours and typography,
A completely new brand!

It was like the ultimate test to see how change-proof the system was. But there was no need to panic! Like any good system, everything was connected in Voyager, and adapting to the company's rebranding process was a breeze. These were my steps on the second phase of the mission:

  • Saving versions of the old designs and duplicating the Figma library. This would ensure everything was documented and organised.
  • Updating the new Figma library. Since the file already had well-established styles and components, adjusting colours, fonts, and other details was simple. The new look & feel was applied throughout the library with just a few clicks.
  • Publishing the new library and replacing the old components. This was quite simple by using the Swap library feature in Figma. It was like a magic trick, and the design transition was smooth and efficient.
  • Final refinements. Lastly, I made some final adjustments manually, such as updating the website copy, refining components and styles like sizing and spacing, and ensuring everything looked better with the new identity, using the Pilot design as a reference.
The new Design System

The biggest challenge was to review the assets like images and illustrations, which wouldn't fit the new brand, but overall it was a huge success.

I was over the moon with what I had accomplished! It was amazing to see the results.


MCS Website


soniq Apps

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